OMR Safety Engineering Pvt.Ltd has been carrying out the mission of accident prevention, risk management and liability control. We believe that a safety program is only as strong as its weakest link and thus all members of a community must be involved in the health and safety program. We are proud that hundreds of clients, all over South India, have engaged the services of OMR Safety Engineering Pvt.Ltd to assist them in their accident prevention efforts.
Continuing along with our mission, we have extended our activities now more than ever to providing solutions to safety and health challenges of all industries. We will continue our focus on getting to the root cause of safety challenges and providing cost effective solutions to those challenges.
Remember Safety Saves. We are here to provide support in establishing safety in your industry, from cradle to healthy operation. We are ONE STOP SHOP FOR SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT. We pledge to serve you through simple solutions for all your safety problems.
Offload your safety problems to us, we offer you safety solutions. “We are a only telephone call distance from you”.
Er.R.Manikandan,BE- Mechanical;BOE;DIS;ISNDT;MIE
Chartered Engineer Competent Person Under Tamil Nadu Factories Act.
Er.S.Rameshbau, MSC Chemistry
Competent Person Under Tamil Nadu Factories Act.
Er.Rajeshkumar, BE-civil ISNDT:MIE
Chartered engineer Competent Person Under Tamil Nadu Factories Act.
Providing High quality Training by Certified Tutors
Offering Very Lowest Cost for Every
More than 5+ Years Experience in Safety Training
Providing High Quality Training by Certified Auditors